William Shakespeare - The Tempest (version 2)

You can listen here for free The Tempest (version 2). Genre: Comedy, Romance, . You can also listen to the full version (full text) online without registration and SMS on the site Audiobook-mp3.com or read the summary, preface (abstract), description and read reviews (comments) about the work.
Audiobook The Tempest (version 2)
Genres: Comedy, Romance,
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William Shakespeare - The Tempest (version 2) book summary

The Tempest (version 2) - description and summary of the book. , listen for free online at the digital library site Audiobook-mp3.com
Few plays have been seen as a more fitting conclusion to a playwright's career than Shakespeare's The Tempest. Focusing on the aging sorcerer and rightful Duke of Milan, Prospero, we are transported to a remote island where magic and strange music fill the air, and the monstrous slave Caliban roams in bitterness. Seeing an opportunity to restore his slandered name, Prospero conjures a mighty storm to bring down a ship containing his wicked brother and the King of Naples, both of whom had driven him out of Milan twelve years before. By stranding them on a remote end of the island, and with the help of the airy spirit Ariel, Prospero sets out to right the wrongs that had been done to him, before renouncing his magic forever. Featuring some of the most powerful speeches in Shakespeare's canon, and with an incredible grasp on tone and the Neoclassical unities of time, place and action, The Tempest remains a formidable and moving farewell to both the Bard and the timeless works he left behind.

And to perform it all? Three men (Craig Franklin, Tomas Peter, and Brad "Hamlet" Filippone) and one woman (Sonia), determined to give you a performance of Shakespeare's final work that you will never forget. You thought you knew your Shakespeare? Well, think again! - Summary by Tomas Peter
Craig Franklin: Narrator; Alonso; Gonzalo; Trinculo; Iris; Boatswain; Third Mariner.
Brad “Hamlet” Filippone: Prospero; Stephano; Adrian; Ship Master; Second Mariner.
Sonia: Miranda; Ariel; Antonio; Juno; First Mariner.
Tomas Peter: Caliban; Sebastian; Ferdinand; Francisco; Ceres; Fourth Mariner.

The Tempest (version 2) listen online for free

The Tempest (version 2) - listen to the audiobook online for free, author William Shakespeare, performer

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William Shakespeare - The Tempest (version 2) reviews

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