Audiobooks online: genre "Poetry"

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Poetry" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Poetry" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига Rosemary and Pansies

Effie Waller Smith - Rosemary and Pansies

Effie Waller Smith was recognized as a promising young black poet. Her poems reflect her love of nature, her faith, and her experience as a black woman in Appalachia. Although she only published three volumes of poetry during her lifetime, the poems are as relevant today as when ...
Аудіокнига Impertinent Poems

Edmund Vance COOKE - Impertinent Poems

A Pre-Impertinence:Anticipating the intelligent critic of "Impertinent Poems," it may well be remarked that the chief impertinence is in calling them poems. Be that as it may, the editors and publishers of "The Saturday Evening Post," "Success" and "Ainslee's," and, in...
Аудіокнига Songs, Merry and Sad

John Charles McNeill - Songs, Merry and Sad

This is the only volume of poetry published during John Charles McNeill's lifetime, containing 59 of his 400+ poems. McNeill was considered the unofficial poet laureate of his home state North Carolina until this position was established officially after World War II. His poetry ...
Аудіокнига Rose Brake

Danske DANDRIDGE - Rose Brake

Danske Dandridge was a Danish-born American poet, who is considered one of the major poets from West Virginia. In this volume, 36 of her poems are collected. The poems often read a lot like small fairy tales, and speak of nature, spirits, and emotions. - Summary by Carolin...
Аудіокнига Love and Longing

Philip Max RASKIN - Love and Longing

Philip Max Raskin was a Jewish poet about whose life not much can be found today. His poetry, however, lives on, and some poems are still well-known today. This volume contains a series of love-poems, sometimes conveying hope and happiness, sometimes longing and disappointment. ...