Alexandre Dumas - Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2)

You can listen here for free Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2). Genre: Biography & Autobiography, True Crime, Christianity - Other, . You can also listen to the full version (full text) online without registration and SMS on the site or read the summary, preface (abstract), description and read reviews (comments) about the work.
Audiobook Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2)
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Alexandre Dumas - Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2) book summary

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2) - description and summary of the book. , listen for free online at the digital library site
This is the dramatic story of Urbain Grandier, a catholic priest, who had a reputation to rival that of Casanova, which ultimately led to his destruction. He was accused of witchcraft after a series of accusations from nuns of a nearby convent, who claimed that Grandier has sent several demons upon them. The case is very well documented, and the original documents of the alleged pact, written in backwards Latin and signed by all participating demons, are still preserved. The case continues to inspire art and sciences, leading to assessments of the events in light of modern sociology, psychology, and legal sciences. Alexandre Dumas' version of the events is presented here. - Summary by Carolin

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2) listen online for free

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2) - listen to the audiobook online for free, author Alexandre Dumas, performer

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