Audiobooks online: genre "Science", page 4

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Science" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Science" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Years 1799-1804, Vol.2

Alexander von Humboldt - Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Years 1799-1804, Vol.2

In Volume 2 of “The Personal Narrative”, Alexander von Humboldt and the botanist Aimé Bonpland continue their travels, beginning at Lake Valencia in the llanos of Venezuela and then travelling the mighty South American river, the Orinoco, and its tributaries, for 75 days in a du...