Audiobooks online: genre "Narratives"

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Narratives" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Narratives" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига Digger Smith

C. J. Dennis - Digger Smith

“Digger Smith” is a series of narrative poems about an Australian soldier coming home in the closing months of the Great War minus a leg and with “ANZAC eyes” ... what a later war would call “The Thousand Yard Stare”. Despite his post-traumatic stress disorder, Digger Smith...
Аудіокнига Two Cumberland Ballads

John Stagg - Two Cumberland Ballads

Two narrative ballads, based on local lore, by the Cumberland poet John Stagg. In 'The Hermit of Rockcliffe', a young fugitive takes refuge with a hermit, hears a bizarre and cautionary tale of what might befall a lusty young man at a masked ball, and learns surprising news about...
Аудіокнига The Lord of the Isles

Sir Walter Scott - The Lord of the Isles

In stunning narrative poetry, the story begins during the time when Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick has been hunted out of Scotland into exile by the English and their allies. Bruce returns over sea from the Island of Rachrin: but is forced to land close to hostile forces at Art...
Аудіокнига The Bridal of Triermain

Sir Walter Scott - The Bridal of Triermain

Scott's The Bridal of Triermain is a rhymed, romantic, narrative poem which weaves together elements of popular English legend using dramatic themes. This beautiful poem celebrates the exploits of a knight errant - Sir Roland De Vaux - as he seeks to rescue (and hopef...
Аудіокнига Poetic Trios

Various - Poetic Trios

We selected some of our favourite poets for this collection, including Dante, Fitzgerald, Keats, Barrett Browning, Lear, Carroll, Milton, Morris, Swinburne and Rossetti. We hope you enjoy listening to them. - Summary by Newgatenovelist...