Audiobooks online: genre "Science Fiction", page 8

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Science Fiction" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Science Fiction" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига The Jewels of Aptor

Samuel R. DELANY - The Jewels of Aptor

Delany's first novel, from 1962, serves as a sort of prologue to the subsequent Captives of the Flame, 1963. Set several centuries after the Great Fire -- a nuclear holocaust -- a young woman seeks her destiny with the help of a four-armed youth. (Summary by BellonaTimes)...
Аудіокнига Badge of Infamy (version 2)

Lester del Rey - Badge of Infamy (version 2)

Set in the early 22nd century: Dr. Daniel Feldman, stripped of rank and status and named pariah for violating Medical Lobby rules, stows away on a spaceship and flees to Mars Colony. There, while essentially practicing medicine without a license, he stumbles upon a plague organ...
Аудіокнига Planet of Dread

Murray Leinster - Planet of Dread

Humans have expanded to myriads of worlds throughout the galaxies but they have found that the only way for colonies to be self sustaining, was to reproduce the total ecology of their home world; the original Earth. This meant bringing the entire ecosystem, the good, the bad and ...
Аудіокнига Doomsday Eve

Robert Moore WILLIAMS - Doomsday Eve

In the midst of the war—that terrible conflict that threatened humanity's total destruction—the "new people" suddenly appeared. Quietly performing incredible deeds, vanishing at will, they were an enigma to both sides. Kurt Zen was an American intelligence officer among the many ...
Аудіокнига Gambler's World & The Yillian Way

Keith Laumer - Gambler's World & The Yillian Way

Here are two stores starring the always unconventional Terrestrial Diplomat, Retief. As a diplomat, Retief does not always follow procedure. Well the truth is that he almost never follows procedure but somehow his wit and strength manage to salvage most situations from the bumb...
Аудіокнига Tedric

E. E. Smith - Tedric

This is a wonderful combination of far future science fiction with Conan like sword and sorcery; lots of blood, gore, honor and evil. The immensely powerful hero, Tedric, is a man's man who refuses to accept the cruel human sacrifices demanded by the 'god' Sarpedion and is set...