Audiobooks online: genre "Cooking", page 2

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Cooking" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Cooking" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига Pantropheon

Alexis SOYER - Pantropheon

Soyer was a 'celebrity chef', devising innovations such as water-cooled refrigerators and adjustable temperature ovens. He developed many popular recipes and catered for 2000 guests at Queen Victoria's coronation celebration. He had a social conscience and donated a penny for eve...
Аудіокнига The Ideal Bartender

Tom BULLOCK - The Ideal Bartender

The book was written by Tom Bullock, a well-known bartender at the St. Louis Country Club. His skills as a bartender were so remarkable that a libel suit hinged on the excellence of his drinks. In The Ideal Bartender, Tom collects some of his best known beverage recipes.
Аудіокнига A Handbook of Fish Cookery

Lucy H. YATES - A Handbook of Fish Cookery

This is a very practical book concerning the cooking of fish. The author does not limit herself simply to recipes, but also adds sound advice on how to recognize a fresh fish, when certain fish are in season, and how to preserve fish, as well as recipes for fish and fish sauces.
Аудіокнига Ketchup

A. W. BITTING - Ketchup

The Bittings have written a number of books on canning and home preparation of food. This short volume includes a brief description of the preparation and production of ketchup, primarily from commercial production view, and then a more scientific treatment of this condiment and ...