Audiobooks online: genre "Cooking", page 3

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Cooking" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Cooking" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига The Stag Cook Book

Carroll Mac SHERIDAN - The Stag Cook Book

This book is dedicated to "that great host of bachelors and benedicts alike who have at one time or another tried to 'cook something': and who, in the attempt, have weakened under a fire of feminie raillery and sarcasm, only to spoil what, under more favorable circumstances, woul...
Аудіокнига The Little Tea Book

Arthur Gray - The Little Tea Book

After all, tea is the drink! Domestically and socially it is the beverage of the world. There may be those who will come forward with their figures to prove that other fruits of the soil—agriculturally and commercially—are more important. Perhaps they are right when quoting s...
Аудіокнига The Complete Confectioner

Hannah GLASSE - The Complete Confectioner

The original version of Hannah Glasse’s ‘The Complete Confectioner’ was first produced about 1760 but the publication referenced here is from the year 1800 (some thirty years after her death) with considerable additions and corrections made by Maria Wilson, who played a significa...
Аудіокнига Apples in Appealing Ways

Mary T. Swickard - Apples in Appealing Ways

This is Apples in Leaflet No. 312 from the U. S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics. After a short introduction to apples there are recipes covering apples in main dishes, salads and dressings, bread, cookies, snacks and desserts. - Summary ...
Аудіокнига The New York Cake Book

Anonymous - The New York Cake Book

Starting with general instructions on making cakes we have "fifty recipes from a famous New York Chef." from Almond Cake to Strawberry Shortcake and recipes for cake icing. - Summary by Larry Wilson...